Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds are diamonds that have been “grown” in a controlled laboratory setting. They’re comprised of the same chemical components you'll find in natural diamonds (carbon atoms arranged in a specific pattern) but instead of being formed deep in the earth’s crust, lab made diamonds are created in a laboratory. Because lab grown diamonds are chemically the same as natural earth made diamonds, they are virtually indistinguishable in terms of appearance, quality and durability.

Since lab grown diamonds are made of the same material as mined diamonds, there are no discernible physical, chemical or optical differences between the two. they also display the same hardness on the MOH
scale making them a long lasting choice. 

When shopping for diamonds, the provenance of your diamond can be checked on your diamond certificate where it will be stated if your stone is a mined or a lab grown diamond.

How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

Lab grown diamonds can be created following two different techniques, HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) and CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition).With the HPHT technique, Lab-created diamonds are grown from a tiny carbon seed placed into a chamber of heat and pressure that mimics the natural method of diamond formation. Once the diamond has matured (approximately six to ten weeks), it is then cut and polished.The CVD method places a diamond seed in a vacuum chamber. This chamber becomes filled
with carbon-rich gases and is heated to nearly 1500 degrees Fahrenheit (815°C). The gas turns into plasma from these extremely high temperatures, causing the release of carbon pieces. These carbon pieces become layered onto the diamond seed, which grows the diamond.

How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Certified & Graded?

As with natural diamonds, diamonds made in a lab have the option to receive grading. After being sent to a gem
institute that specializes in grading diamonds, lab grown diamonds are graded independently by several of the lab's gemologists. Afterward, the individual grades are compiled and compared to give the lab grown diamond its final
grade. Not all lab grown diamonds are graded. Typically, smaller gems do not get grading, and not all jewelers choose to grade their lab grown diamonds.At Alfredo Gemyard, we offer grading for many of our lab created diamonds to bring transparency to the lab grown purchasing process. 

Benefits Of Lab Grown Diamonds

  • Beauty

    Lab Grown diamonds shine and sparkle just like natural diamonds.

  • Value

    Lab Grown diamonds are considerably less expensive than natural diamonds of comparable size and quality.

  • Ethical Choice

    For those looking to purchase diamonds that have not been mined, lab made diamonds are a popular choice.  

Natural Diamond VS. Lab Grown Diamonds VS. Moissanite


Moissanite is a gemstone born from the stars. It was first discovered in 1893 by a French scientist named Henri Moissan, who later won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He discovered microscopic particles of the gem that would eventually bear his name in Arizona, in a crater created by a meteorite that fell to Earth. He initially thought that he had discovered diamonds, but later determined that the crystals were composed of silicon carbide.

Natural moissanite is incredibly rare, so moissanite available today is laboratory created. After many years of trial and error, the particles Moissan discovered were successfully synthesized to produce what is
now one of the world’s most scintillating gemstones.

Moissanite, referred to as a diamond simulant, is engineered to give the illusion of similarity to diamonds, but is compositionally and visually quite different from a real diamond. The durability, brilliance, and color of the two gems are quite distinct. One common property of both diamonds and moissanites is that they are both very good thermal conductors.

How are Moissanites Made?

Silicon carbide, the foundation of moissanite, is synthesized in high temperature furnaces, replicating the
intense pressures and blistering heat found naturally in meteorites. These rough crystals, meticulously cut and polished by skilled artisans, become the canvas
for the Lely process. This sophisticated technique, named after its inventor, utilizes vaporized silicon carbide to build upon a seed crystal, layer by layer, meticulously crafting gemstones renowned for their exceptional
brilliance and fire. Moissanite, surpassing even diamonds in refractive index, captivates light with a kaleidoscopic brilliance born not from the earth's depths, but from the controlled alchemy of science.

How are Moissanite Certified And Graded?

Unlike diamonds with their storied past, moissanite relies on the meticulous objectivity of independent
gemological laboratories like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the International Gemological Institute (IGI) to validate its radiant beauty. These specialized institutions wield the scientific precision of gem grading, meticulously assessing the stone's four key characteristics: carat weight, color, clarity, and cut. Carat weight speaks the language of size, a whisper shared between you and your radiant companion. Color unveils its palette, from the icy brilliance of D to the warmer, sun-kissed hues of J. Clarity delves into the stone's inner world, ensuring even the subtlest inclusion is
identified. Finally, cut, the maestro of light, is meticulously evaluated, guaranteeing each facet joins in the symphony of brilliance.

Benefits Of Moissanite

  • Minning Free

    "Moissanite is lab created with minimal environmental impact."

  • Value

    "Moissanite is less expensive per carat than many other

  • Durability

    "Moissanite gemstones are a 9.25 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. "

Visit Our FAQ Page for Detailed Insights

To discover more about the brilliance, durability, and ethical advantages of moissanite, visit our comprehensive FAQ page. Find answers to all your questions and explore why moissanite is the perfect choice for your fine jewelry needs.